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Wednesday, July 29, 2009
so here they are the photos of "plesiran Jakarta"This event successfully held by only one person, Ade Purnama..
Why success ? cause there are more than 500 person mostly young person who interested to join in his program ---trying to get closer with Jakarta, especially the history and not only Indonesian, some expatriates also come to this event.
The journey began from Escomto building (was Bank building in Dutch colonial government, too bad, Indonesian government not interested to keep this heritage)
Then we enjoy our breakfast “Nasi ulam” and watching Jakarta lay out in Dutch colonial era..Gee, Jakarta at that time so beautiful like Amsterdam, the river was still clean and people at that time have dating on boats and the guys played guitar –oh so romantic, just like in Paris hehehe
Alwi as Historian explain us –his next generation—history of some buildings and Jakarta History
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Indonesia calendar of events 2009
Indonesia is the world's largest archipelago stretching 3200 miles from east to west at equator between Asia and Australia, consisting of more than 17,000 islands (The major islands are Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua, and Bali), which riches of cultures, language and dangerously-beautiful-nature and scenery.
We have 480 ethnic groups speaking 583 different language who uphold our traditional cultural & ritual.
Since today is already mid year, I only quoted the events from July-December 2009
Parapat & Samosir Island, North Sumatra
Lasting a whole week, this festival is centered around Toba Lake, in the highlands of North Sumatra.
The Festival features traditional sports, boat races, cultural performances and contemporary shows, horses races, water sport competitions & local handicrafts exhibitions.
August 25-20
This annual events is held at the end of August to remember Krakatau's eruption in the late 19th century.
The volcano is located in the Sunda Strait, South of Lampung, in the southern tip of Sumatra.
If you like snorkelling, you can enjoy at the sea and see the tremendous scenery around the volcano & deep at the sea.
4th week of August
Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan (Borneo)
To honour the Dayang & Melayu culture, this event is participated by all the provinces in Kalimantan, as well as Brunei darussalam & Malaysia as honored guests.
Manado, North Sulawesi (Celebes)
Bunaken is known for its fabulous underwater garden & extinct volcano, Manado Tua (note : Tua = Old)
The festival presents art and cultural performances from the ethnics groups living in North Sulawesi.
November 1- 30
ASI is an international contemporary art festival presenting performing groups from foreign countries.
The event's program take place in various venues in Jakarta
December 1-2
Sentul International Circuit
The best of Asian drivers compete in this international event for the title of Best Asian F3 Driver.
For another major & supporting events kindly visit following websites :
All photos here are writer's property and writer has right on those pictures
Monday, July 27, 2009
bagaimana cara mengurus visa Schengen (Eropa) & Apply kedutaan mana yg paling simple?
bagaimana cara mengurus visa Schengen (Eropa) & Apply kedutaan mana yg paling simple?
Di milis IBP (Indobackpacker) & di suatu web site dimana saya menulis ttg perjalananan ke Eropa : http://www.gagasmedia.com/pariwisata/penulis/jalan-jalan-murah-ke-eropa-jadi-backpacker-yuk-2.html#comments ternyata banyak juga pertanyaan mengenai pengurusan Visa Schengen (selanjutnya kita sebut VS aja ya biar cepat).
Apa sih Visa Schengen itu?
Visa Schengen adalah visa yang harus kita miliki sebelum melakukan perjalanan ke beberapa negara yang termasuk dalam daftar Perjanjian Schengen yang ditandatangani tahun 2001.
Tidak semua Negara-negara di Eropa termasuk dalam Perjanjian Schengen, tetapi hanya beberapa negara berikut :
1. Austria
2, Belgium
3.Czech Republic
4. Denmark
5. Estonia
6. France
7. Finland
8. Germany
9. Greece
10. Hungary
11. Iceland
12. Italy
13. Latvia
14. Lithuania
15. Luxembourg
16, Malta
17. Netherlands
18. Norway
19. Poland
20. Portugal
21. Slovakia
22. Slovenia
23. Spain
24. Sweden
Indonesia termasuk salah satu negara yang diharuskan warganya yang ingin mengunjungi salah satu atau bbrp negara Schengen memegang VS (berbahagialah warga negara tetangga kita, Singapura yang bebas visa untuk mengunjungi Negara-negara Eropa).
Nah, apa sih yang harus kita siapkan untuk pengurusan VS ini?
Sebelum datang ke kedutaan di salah satu negara Schengen tadi, siapkan terlebih dahulu dokumen-dokumen yang harus kita bawa saat pengajuan VS :
1. Paspor yang masih berlaku (minimal 3 --6 bulan setelah masa visa berakhir, tergantung dari kebijakan masing-masing kedutaan, tp lbh aman durasinya 6 bulan)
2. Tujuan kunjungan
Dokumen yang menjelaskan tujuan kedatangan kita ke negara Schengen (surat pernyataan kita, dan surat referensi dari kantor, yang menyatakan tujuan kepergian kita dan menjamin setelah masa kunjungan kita ke negara Schengen kita akan kembali ke Indonesia dan bekerja), dan dibuktikan dengan dokumen-dokumen pendukung :
a. bukti booking tiket PP
b. bukti booking hotel/ hostel di negara tujuan/ bbrp negara tujuan, jika kita pergi sebagai turis
untuk backpacker, website yang saya rekomendasikan untuk booking hostel adalah http://www.hostelworld.com
c. surat asli undangan dari orang yang akan kita temui di sana (tempat pertama kali kita datang ke negara schengen), jika kita akan tinggal di tempat orang yang mengundang kita
Surat ini isinya antara lain menyatakan pihak pengundang mengundang kita tinggal di negaranya, apa hubungan dgn kita (saudara/ kakak/ adik, dll, jika hubungannya kakak/adik kandung, perlu juga sertakan copy kartu keluarga yang diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris), dan pihak pengundang menjamin semua akomodasi & tempat tinggal, serta setelah kunjungan, kita akan kembali ke negara asal kita.
3. Dokumen-dokumen lain :
a. Foto ukuran paspor (latar belakang foto tergantung kebijakan Embassy)
b. Bukti keuangan yang ditunjukkan dari print out buku tabungan minimal 6 bulan terakhir (bisa juga copy deposito) jumlah minimal
- 25 euro kali masa tinggal, jika kita tinggal di tempat orang yang mengundang,
- 75 euro kali masa tinggal, jika kita tinggal di hotel/ hostel
c. form pengajuan VS yang sudah diisi dan ditandatangani, di sini termasuk lampiran jadwal perjalanan kita di Eropa jika memang ingin mengunjungi bbrp negara
d. asuransi kesehatan internasional, bisa kunjungi website axa, atau telpon langsung ke 522 5501
harga asuransi ini berkisar dari 30 euro - 70 euro (tergantung masa tinggal kita di sana)
NOTE : jika kita akan tinggall di residency saudara/kenalan, pihak yg mengundang kita harus mengirim:
a. Surat undangan asli & surat jaminan (disahkan di pemeritah kotamadya / municipal tempat pengundang tinggal
b. Bukti gaji 3 bulan terakhir pengundang (pada bbrp kedutaan, contohnya Perancis, dokumennya lebih ribet)
c. copy passport pengundang
Dari sharing dan pengalaman apply visa, kelihatannya apply di kedutaan Belanda yang paling singkat, mudah dan tidak ribet persyaratannya. Jika negara lain menghabiskan waktu 10-14 hari kerja, Kedutaan ini hanya memakan waktu 8 hari kerja, wawancara juga tidak terlalu panjang sepanjang kita mennyiapkan semua dokumen pendukung lengkap, penting untuk diperhatikan, sewaktu wawancara berpakaianlah yang sopan dan rapi, terutama untuk wanita.
Akhirnya saya ucapkan "bon voyage", selamat berjalan-jalan
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
how you handle frenemy?
"Frenemy" (sometimes spelled "frienemy") is a blend of words of "friend" and "enemy" which can refer to either an enemy disguised as a friend or to a partner who is simultaneously a competitor. In personal relationships, the use of the term "frenemy" has become increasingly used to describe two (or more) people who are apparently friends, but are actually enemies.
An online dictionary site, http://www.urbandictionary.com, mention one meaning of frenemy which close to my personal case : A "friend" a "bad friend" who cares only about themselves. A friend who gets their way no matter the cost, and who they step on along the way. Classic example: when your best friend steals your boyfriend of three years she was a frenemy all along.
In popular culture "Frenemies" was used in the popular New Radicals song, You Get What You Give - released on April 20, 1999.
Wake up kids
we got the dreamers disease
Age 14 they got you down on your knees
Souls polite, we're busy still saying please
Friendnemies, who, when you're down ain't your friend
Every night we smash their Mercedes-Benz
First we run; and then we laugh till we cry
But when the night is falling
and you cannot find the light, light
You feel your dreams are dying
Hold tight
You've got the music in you
Don't let go
You've got the music in you
One dance left
This world is gonna pull through
Don't give up
You've got a reason to live
Can't forget
We only get what we give
The word was further popularized when used as the title of an episode in the HBO series, Sex and the City episode #46, October 1 2000, Frenemies.
Reading all the definitions, now maybe you're nodding, "hm, it happens on me" yeah, it also happen on famous person like Gwyneth Paltrow, speaking about her frenemy, she commented, "This person really did what they could to hurt me. I was deeply upset, I was angry, I was all of those things you feel when you find out that someone you thought you liked was venomous and dangerous. I restrained myself from fighting back. I tried to take the high road."
on my personal life, it laso occur on me, when 2 years ago did a trip with an (EX) BFF to some countries in europe, i realized she always wanna be the central of attention, but the fact many local guys there gave more attention to me who naturally charming (hihihihi narcisius mode on) made her frustated. I helped her to get a dating with an armenian man live in amsterdam, but she still kept teasing agressively to the guys approaching to me, the worst thing when she abruptly & unpolitely cut my conversation with a guy in a train to luxembourg. Well, then she tried to get in touch with me when we were back to indonesia again, I said to her, if you are really wanna make it up, I asked her give me some photos of mine on her camera, but she failed to do that, cause she already deleted my photos!!!
So enough is enough, ca suffit, french people say. I choose to be surrounded by positive people, by my real best friends, I dont wanna keep a frenemy near me.
But unfortunately she still wanna haunt my life...
2nd experience is : while i stayed in melbourne, there is a young girl from my french course class, sent same message in 3 days-concurrently asking 'WHEN WILL YOU SEND A WEDDING INVITATION, SARI?" on my Yahoo messenger box, despite of asking "how is your trip?" hahaha, it's funny cause long time ago, she's so cute, and I voluntarily wanna be her recicle bin when she complained her bad story, even when she told me so desperately wanna suicide.
So, below are the best advise to know how to react to someone who can be classified as your frenemy :
How to Spot a Frenemy
Step 1 : Understand frenemy variations
Frenemies can range from calculatingly callous and manipulative to obliviously selfish and unkind. Just because a person doesn't "mean" to be mean doesn't erase the hurtful impact. Sometimes an unaware insult is more damaging than a deliberate jab.
Step 2 : Pay attention to how you act in the presence of your potential frenemy
Do you recoil at the thought of spending time with her? Do you clam up whenever he comes around? Do you often talk bad about her to others? Do you feel competitive when he discusses work, hobbies, love life or finances? If you continually act less than the highest, most loving, centered version of yourself when the two of you get together, take note. A frenemy may be in your midst.
Step 3 : Trust your initial reactions.
The first feelings we have about people and situations are the most accurate. These pure, uncensored observations give us all the information we need to classify somebody as a frenemy. You do yourself a disservice (not to mention set yourself up for more abuse) by analyzing interactions, questioning whether or not you are being too sensitive or making excuses for why a person behaves the way they do. If you feel like you've just received an emotional kick in the gut, then you have just received an emotional kick in the gut. No analysis needed!
Step 4 : Look for patterns.
If somebody lets you down or acts insensitively on occasion, that doesn't necessarily qualify him or her for frenemy status. Humans are flawed and friendships inevitably follow suit. On the other hand, a person who continually uses you for his or her personal agenda, dishes out insults, breaks promises, ignores your requests or manipulates you with passive-aggressive behavior goes beyond the acceptable friendship margin of error.
Step 5 : Acknowledge your paradoxical feelings.
Frenemies are hard to decipher because most of the time they have as many, if not more, positive qualities than negative ones. Frenemies will often share your interests and values; if you didn't have these things in common, it would be easy to qualify your frenemies as enemies and move them off your emotional radar entirely. Love-hate relationships are typical for frenemies.
Step 6 : Compare and contrast.
When trying to decide if a friend is actually a frenemy, weigh the person in question against somebody who you know with complete certainty is a friend. Personality traits become more apparent when viewed this way.
Step 7 : Seek validation.
If you can't sort it out, talk to a trusted friend or mentor. Perspective from a third party can help you get clear about the nature of your mucky, indefinable relationships.
at the end, if you have real best friends, nurture your friendship, respect each other and be grateful for that friendship !
spread love, not hatred
Love, sari , june 20,2009 ^_^
source : wikipedia, www.urbandictionary.com, www.cnn.com, my private experience LOL :-P
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